Welcome to the Voice of SourcE

Voice of source is a holistic lifestyle system centred around a healing process through alchemical purification. All we want is to feel good about ourselves, our life and that/those which surround us. Here you will find ways that will help you become stable and secure in that feeling continuously.

As human beings we are in a continuous creational loop of being, thinking, creating and many other forms of -ing where everything is Consciousness vibrating on different levels of existence, hence it is important to understand which frequency one is to align themselves with. An authentically deeper & energetically cleaner vibration be it internally, externally, creatively or spiritually is a prerogative of todays’ human.  

There are 4 stages to this process translated into four areas of Self, where Self is seen in all forms. The space is designed to bring forth your fullest potential, teach how to read all types of energy within and without, identify consciousnesses collectives, harness your ability to channel and ultimately move you into an Avatar state, a master of the Self.

Before you step into the main section there is some foundational knowledge we need to establish, an order of things governed by laws of physics and mathematics.

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The state of the universe of the Earth is in direct proportion reflecting our own universe’s state that is in need of heavy purification. Black is the Void, an all-encompassing place from which everything derives itself from and ultimately ends. This is where consciousness begins and where it is housed. We look at what has built the structure of the home-body-instrument you are inhabiting.

Black is the Soil, hence we’ll consider the connections you have with it. To do that we need to look at food as medicine and how it affects our body. On the inside of our body we carry traumas, addictions and attachments to things, places and people that burden us or stagnate our move up the spiral-ladder to the next level of experience. Body’s protective systems hold on to unfulfilled desires and re-enacts these experiences over and over to complete itself.

This is a first step, one that requires you to connect to the interior of your body, consider its deepest, most sacred parts and purify.

To do that we will connect to Earth as an Apothecary and ancient Healing Herbs as our guides to raise the Alkaline level of your body’s PH, absorbing all or any inflammation caused by toxicity and/or acidity.
Apart from Plants, Stone People are all part of this domain.


Concept STORE


The water reservoirs of our planet Earth are a great reflection of our own polluted and uncared for internal emotional ecology.

What is the first thing we do to a baby? A physical touch and a warp of a cloth.

Stage two is about one's immediate surroundings. This includes everything outside of your bodily self, but inside your immediate space. Our relationship with the immediatly external is experientially emotional, known as the Moon (Mother). It is the Yin, the feminine that weaves our connections to matter. It is also how we come across to others without actively expressing it, but silently.

These are the clothes we wear, the spaces we inhabit within our homes and our families and loved ones.
Water Consciousness, Moon-ology, Anthropology of Textile and Home/House Interior and Pet relations are some of the examples.





Playing is paramount in a Creational Universe, without the childlike joy and fun no Empire is ever built.

Sun aspect shines light on the actions we take towards our desires and dreams, ways we are interacting and relating to others. Expression, experimentation and exploration through interaction within our communities through myriad of mediums exhibited here. All things that ignite your fire like Dance!

Fire Consciousness, Wild Animals, connection to the energy of Sacred Sights (Travel) , Art in all forms of Creation (business & enterprise)




Here we are raising the bar to reach out for a Higher self.
Materialised on to an Earthly plain as the result of an alchemical marriage between the Moon and the Sun, you are a Mercurial Child.

This also marks a time of integration of your Feminine (Moon) and Masculine (Sun) aspects. Embodiment of your inner Divinity externally reflected.

Rituals and Ceremonies, Sound Healing, Movement and Singing practices, Alternative therapy, Shamanic Journeying, Chakra Reading



Having mastered all of the four elements is almost like acquiring a Philosopher’s stone, a goal of your Opus Magnus. The key that unlocks a door to Cosmos itself and the element of Either. Avatar is the master of self, one that has obtained the ultimate state of self alignment and knowing. There is no separation between the Avatar and Source. The veil is lifted and existence is an effortless Presence.
To arrive to this place of freedom is the reason why Voice of Source has been created for you in the first place.

To begin click on watching Lesson 1 of the Foundation course I’ve prepared for you. It consist of 6 videos. If you like what you see and the information resonates, email us at voiceofsourcecom@gmail.com letting us know you curious to know more.